Saturday, December 22, 2012


i am bored.
i will be going home after this. because it is too bored here.

so, while i am questioning why there is nothing to do today, i reminisced my life. i read all my post.
and it start 2 years ago.

it hit me.
i miss them.
i miss those souls that always made me laugh.
that were always there to help me did my homework.
my reports.
my maths.
my equations.
i miss how mature they are in their on way to think a thing in their own perspective.
how cool they are accepting me for what i am.
for what i did.
for what i said.
how i cherished them to be so brilliant, naive, kind, loving, big-hearted and never told anyone our flaws.
how i wished to meet them again.
being 18 again.
being matrics student again.
how we were looking for our ways to be teenagers.
and at the same time trying to enjoy things to the fullest.
 no matter how much skeleton in the closet, we accept.
we hear.
we keep.
we let it be.

it is undeniable how my life in matrics was one of the best moment i ever had.
Allah give me something that were so beautiful and i rarely realizing it.
it is sad how we can only be together only for a year. it's not even a year.
i miss you guys :')

no matter where you all know, i miss you . may Allah bless you all. :')
insyaAllah, one fine day, i will find you all. even it is just to ask, "how are you?".

infoTech, architect, chemist, intern_business kot, i dont remember :'(, tech_teacher,  engineer.

university life without you guys is quite dull. i admit it :'(

but, life is just being life. that's how it works.
and i met friends, best friends that are so extraordinary.
they are people who will be there for me.
accepting me for who i am.
just like what you guys did.

i am the pelupa one. 
i remember how one of you will remind me about my things that are everywhere being left by me.
here, i got them also. HAHA.

I miss you guys. 

Wednesday, December 19, 2012


hari ini, rabu 19/12/12, pada hari jadi emak, hari jadi nili, telah berlangsungnya satu majlis bersejarah.

majlis temuramah dan siaran langsung liyana.
press conference mengenai Projek PSM 1 beliau di hadapan para panel yang ingin mengetahui sejauh mana keutuhan projek tersebut.

pada mulanya semua datuk-datuk, menteri-menteri, ketua-ketua kampung turun menghadirkan diri. tetapi itu semua pada hari isnin dan selasa. yelah majlis buat seminggu. larat pulak nak datang seminggu kan.

jadi,liyana telah berjaya mengharungi press conference tersebut tanpa kehadiran para datuk, menteri, dan ketua kampung. jadi, kegugupan menjawab soalan panas telah berkurang. lebih2 lagi panel pertama baru lepas makan dan berasa bahagia.

panel kedua ku sangka panas sampai ke petang tetapi hujan ditengah hari. soalan beliau lebih panas dari panel pertama.

panel ketiga sangat cool. tiada nada marah, benci atau sedih.

ini baru PSM 1. PSM 2 tak tahu lagi. T_T

gap cuti sebulan pun dah hilang.
di isi dengan kursus 3P.
50-50 nak pergi ke tak.
tapi apakan daya, 3P team siap call kenapa aku tak nak pergi.
tak ada alasan, mungkin sebab mereka tengok alamat aku dekat, jadi harapan tinggi supaya pergi.
i am going 3P.


tak apa.
dah lepas walaupun banyak jugak error.
kerana tak dapat balik rumah harini dan tak dapat makan kek tiramisu mak&nili, esok aku nak pergi karaoke.
karaoke bersama girlfriend tersayang.

lepastu tu sambung tidur,tidur dan tidur.

moga mimpi lupi sebab rindu,
mimpi kek tiramisu sebab tak dapat makan,
mimpi pergi parrtaayyyhh hari jadi,
mimpi dapat jawab semua soalan panel dengan bangga tanpa error,
mimpi sedang tidur di rumah. T_T

mimpi indah.
sila datang.

i miss you.

Tuesday, December 18, 2012


aku tak tahu nak rasa apa sekarang ni.
nak takut?
tak tahu.tahu?

semalam mintak tolong zuhairi buatkan sistem. sebenarnya mintak tolong ajar, tp at the end, aku rasa, dia yang buatkan. terima kasih zuhairi T_T :')

and sempat pergi tgk mereka2 present psm. sekali lagi, monotonous. tak tahu apa punya perasaan muncul.
emosi betul.
pasal lapar pun aku emosi.
pasal kena jalan laju2 pun aku emosi.
pasal bau badan orang lain  pun aku emosi.
pasal makan nasi pun emosi.
semua tak boleh.
semua tak kena.

tidur pun emosi.
gaduh ngan lupi pun emosi.
senang kata aku tak tahu nak rasa apa.

lebih-lebih lagi esok.

Monday, December 10, 2012


i had not sleep yet for more than 20 hours.  woke up at 10 am sunday yesterday. still havent sleep yet now.
it's 6.15 am of monday.
and it is just PSM 1.
i wonder how it would be when in PSM 2.

but, it's fun ! :D  

yeah, me too. me think me crazy already. 

fun?! what was i thinking about ?!?!

but it is fun. 

oh goshhh. i need some sleep.


Sunday, December 9, 2012

super duper busy

i am super duper busy. but i dont have the courage, the spirit to start all these works. *sigh

Tuesday, December 4, 2012

Takeaway Truth

when nobody else celebrate you,learn to celebrate yourself.when nobody else compliments you, then compliment's not up to other people to keep you's up to you.Encouragement should come from the inside.

Tuesday, November 27, 2012

cuteness level 99


its already week 11.
and i still not done my chapter 4 yet.
chapter lain bukannya perfect sgt :(
sedih.takut.rasa nak nangis semua ada.
dahla satu projek pun tak start lagi.
pening tak tahu nak start yang mana dulu.
lagi pening dari mana nak pilih pakai baju tidur ke baju biasa bila dah mandi pukul 2 ptg. (Y_Y)

i am sooo scared. :'(

dahla tak jumpa sv lagi.
sebab tak jumpa?
tak siap lg. tak tahu nak ckp apa dgn dia.
bila dah lama tak jumpa tak tahu nak bg alasan apa Y_Y

padan muka diri sendiri.

sobs sobs sobs.

Wednesday, November 7, 2012

a test for you :)

few years ago,
x silap masa aku sekolah menengah lagi,
aku ada baca satu majalah.
tak igt majalah apa.
tp dia ada tanya soalan psikologi.
macam biaca, laju je la aku jawab kan.
and it turns out, seronok pulak bila dah tahu. hehu

okay, aku baru teringat sebenarnya, emi ade mintak dulu tulis dlm blog pasal soalan2 tu, sekarang baru semangat nak tulis. sory emi. huhu.

so guys,
marilah jawab soalan ini beramai2 :D



anda berada di tengah padang pasir. anda terperangkap dan sesat untuk mencari jalan pulang. anda perlukan berapa pasang kasut untuk kaki anda sepanjang perjalanan di padang pasir tersebut?

setelah berjalan terlalu lama, anda tiba di sebuah pantai . di tepi pantai anda ternampak satu bot kecil. lalu anda menaikinya. berapa orangkah yang ada di dalam bot tersebut bersama anda ketika anda menaikinya?

dengan bot itu, anda merentasi lautan. Lalu anda tiba di sebuah pulau.
di tengah pulau tersebut ada sebuah istana. anda membayangkan anda akan berjumpa putera/puteri di dalam istana tersebut.

lalu anda memasuki istana tersebut. di dalam istana tersebut anda menaiki sebuah tangga yang panjang dan tinggi. sepanjang perjalanan menaiki tangga tersebut, anda berselisih dengan seseorang. anda merasa pernah berjumpanya tetapi tidak ingat siapa dia.

dan akhirnya,di hujung tangga tersebut, anda sampai ke sebuah bilik. di tengah-tengah bilik itu ada sebuah meja. ada cawan di atas meja itu yang berisi air. 
aku tak jumpa gambar ada cawan tengah bilik. so, korang pandai2 la bayangkan ye. haha

dah. habes dah. teehee
sampai situ je soalannya.
tak silap aku la dalam buku y aku bace tu pun sampai situ je.
so, jawapan tadi semua dah simpan dalam hati kan  ??

ini maksudnya :)


how many shoes you needed?
bilangan kasut yang anda perlukan, itulah bilangan orang yang anda akan jumpa sebelum bertemu pasangan anda. 

*pasangan hidup ke, mr right ke, aku tak tahula kan. tapi aku dulu aku jawab aku nak 12 pasang kasut. HAHA


how many people in the boat?
bilangan orang dalam bot tu adalah bilangan orang yang paling penting dalam hidup anda. 

*aku dulu mule2 jawab soklan ni aku jawab aku nak 2-3 org je. bile bace maksudnye rase sedih pulak. rase sikit sgt. sobs sobs sobs TT_TT. tapi sekarang dah bertambah kot. heuheu :D

terbayang jumpa putera/puteri kan?
apa yang anda bayangkan terhadap putera/puteri tu la ciri2 pasangan hidup yang anda mahu. 

*terbayang terus kat pakwe/makwe kannn korang kann? ihik ihik takpun terbayang your crush kan? haha

you met someone, but you dont remember?
orang yang anda berselisih tu adalah orang yang paling anda rindui, paling anda ingin ketemu, tetapi tak boleh nk jumpa.

*i answered,"my dad"

ada gelas kat tengah bilik kan? siap ada air kan?

jumlah air dalam gelas tu menentukan betapa banyak komitmen anda terhadap semua perkara.

*masa mula2 aku jawab soalan ni few years ago, i only said "3/4 penuh je" :3 tak tahu la sekarang macam mana. 

so, macam mana?
ade y betul tak.
aku rasa semua betul. heuheu.

okay, nak mandi.

Tuesday, November 6, 2012

cici the cat :D

pertengahan ramadhan haritu, tiap kali aku balik rumah, makan bawah kemah kat tepi dapur tu, mata aku mesti tertarik dekat sekor kucing ni. anak kucing. tapi kesian dia. selalu kena buli dgn sorang budak pompuan umur 3-4 tahun.
dipicit2 nye badan anak kucing tu.
dibaling2 baling2nya.
di bawak kehulur hilir tapi pegang macam pegang barang biasa.
macam pegang barang mainan.
yes, i know, she's just a little girl. but dont u think it's too begau *orang melaka panggil begau (intonasi be tu macam be dlm berak)* buat anak kucing mcm tu. T_T

so, next week, aku balik lg. lepas tolong2 kat dapur utama kat depan khemah tu, aku lalu dekat tempat makan lelaki.

i saw a thing. a living thing. menyorok ketakutan bawah meja pinggan.mata pun macam takde semangat dah nak hidup.

i took her. put her inside my arm.
kak su saw me and she said,
"tu la tadi **** pegi baling2 nye anak kucing tu tinggi2 lepas tu anak kucing tu jadi macam tu dah. tak bermaya."

okay. hati jadi sayu.
so i bring her back home.
put her in the most particular box she can fit in, and i put her in there.
with a piece of cloth as her blanket.
give her some food but she still seems so timid.
she needs her mother's milk.
but i dont know where to get it.
mengharap dia makan je ape y boleh.

after a few days,
she start to play with us :)
but the problem is,
die berak ikut sedap die je . sobbsss sobbsss

well now, ini cici sekarang.
my mom bed's. kemain kau ye.

sekarang dia tak berak kat dapur dah.
sekarang dia berak dalam pasu bunga mak aku. =,='
so, that pasu bunga khas utk dia melepas je. bunga dalam tu pun mak aku kluarkan dah =,=

now, dia main tak hengat dunia.
jadi kesayangan satu keluarga dah.
time die lapar je nak manja2, kalau tak buat bodo je=,=

makanan dia tiap bulan mak aku belikan.
satu hari 4 ekor ikan k. kitorang pun tak makan sgt ikan tu.
sobs sobs.

and yes, she sleeps everywhere.

i mean it.

main tali tu sampai tertido. =,=

but well,
welcome to the family cici :)

oh, gmbar2 ni, adik2 aku y rajin amek. curik dari hp mak. hehu :3

Monday, November 5, 2012

cuti mid sem

cuti mid sem dah habes.
but i'm still here. at my house.


well, i suppose to go back to bp yesterday, but my heart says no. i dont know why. teehee

i spent my holiday with no vacation, fest, or whatsoever, but i appreciate it.
it is a family vacation. at home :)

a weird thing happen.
i start to feel so bored until i want to go back do assignments.


so, since i was already 21 a month ago, my perspective to me, to my life, to world, has change.
i start to think seriously. is it too late? i hope not.

i hope the time is still there.

masih lagi dalam misery .
bila mahu ke kedai tersebut.

tadi kat twitter sue kata bp hujan selebat lebatnye. macam mana aku nak balik. :'(
macam mana nak lintas jalan TT_TT

Sunday, November 4, 2012


me : bie, i'm tired..
him : kenapa ni.,
me : i'm getting tired of missing you..  it's getting tiring.
him : but i never feel that way for all these years. i never get tired for missing you.
me :  i'm sorry .
him : it's okay.
me  : betul?
him : iya :)

sometimes i wonder, does it really okay? takde feeling ke mamat sorang ni?
does he never feel hurt by me?


in a misery now. sebab kedai y suppose aku buat kajian tu tiap kali aku pegi mesti tutup? apakah? =,=

tapi haritu bila lalu je bukak pulak ? =,=

why y u no open when needed kedai? whyyyyy ?


Thursday, November 1, 2012


i had met a few men. yeah, i know, i'm still young. who cares. either they are friends, family, relatives, scandals or exes.

the sweet talker,
the brainiac,
the handsome one,
the rugby boy,
the becoming-teacher,
the rich one,
the stingy sbb suka berjimat,
the sensitive one,

but for me, really, just for me, i dont know you guys, 

non shall compare to this-

the one who has a big heart. baik hati. 

i dont really know how to put a yard stick to what is known as baik hati. but, sometimes, you just know. how lucky u are if u met one of them. 

it's really hard to find one nowadays aint ?

Sunday, October 21, 2012


in another 3 hours , i'm having a test. yes. on sunday. well, who can deny it. being a third year student there is no more sunday,friday or anyday i guess. it will just be days. no finished jobs, no holidays. i love it. love it sooooo much. so sooo much. i love you assignments. i love you test. i love you fyp.

hye, tuan saya cakap saya boleh makan ikan tu kalau saya duduk diam2 kat sini sekejap.

Thursday, October 18, 2012

Yoo Jae Suk’s touching story of his mother’s love

Yoo Jae Suk‘s story of his mother’s love is drawing attention.
Yoo Jae Suk had written a piece that was published in the magazine ‘Good Friend’ which tells the story of his mother when he was in grade school.
Yoo Jae Suk revealed through the story that his family’s financial state was difficult when he was growing up and so his family ended up moving 3 times and he had to adjust to the new school each time. Yoo Jae Suk became the his class president in 6th grade. Yoo Jae Suk’s mother was very happy yet looked worried at the time saying, “Our Jae Suk has become class president so I will have to visit the teacher and I should make sure to go to the PTA meetings.”
Yoo Jae Suk’s mother apparently felt the pressure not to show up to school to meet the teacher empty-handed and to have to pay the PTA membership fees since Yoo Jae Suk was the class president. Yoo Jae Suk’s father worked for the government and he was a straight arrow who did not believe in taking bribes and such so the family was not well off in any way.
Yoo Jae Suk said, “From then on I bumped into (my) mother very often. I saw her cleaning the flower beds and the front of the school gates…Later on I found out that we could not afford the fees so she cleaned (the school) instead. I cried so much after I found out about it.”
Yoo Jae Suk added a message of love, “The great love of my mother, I cannot repay even if for the rest of my life but I have not even expressed it well not once. Today, I finally softly say. I love you mother.”
Source: NewsEN via Nate

okayy.. ini sangat sedih. *sroot sreet sroot sreet sedut ingus

Monday, October 15, 2012

"Allah tidak akan bosan"

Seorang lelaki datang bertemu dengan Rasulullah
SAW seraya berkata,
"Jika aku berbuat dosa, apakah akan ditulis?"

Rasul menjawab,
"Ya. Akan ditulis"

Ia bertanya lagi,
"Bagaimana jika aku bertaubat?"

Rasul menjawab,
"Akan dihapus."

Ia berkata lagi,
"Bagaimana jika aku mengulangi lagi?"

Rasul menjawab,
"Akan ditulis."

Ia berkata lagi,
"Ya Rasul, bagaimana kalau aku bertaubat?"

Rasul menjawab,
"Akan dihapus."

Lelaki itupun berkata,
"Ya Rasul, sampai bilakah Allah akan

Rasul menjawab,
"Allah tidak akan bosan
memberi ampunan sampai
kalian bosan meminta ampun."

(Hadis Riwayat Thabrani dan al-Hakim

copy and paste from someone status. strike me hard.

Sunday, October 14, 2012

this one i have to save it.

because tomorrow it will be kenangan already. haha

sebab harini je die jadi cenggini. ehek ehek


semalam g bp mall.
ada tragedi bakul baju.
well, read it here. malas nak tulis sebab dah ada pencerita. bhahaha

sometimes we need some laughter to ease some ill luck.

Friday, October 12, 2012


no wonder hati sgt membentak nak balik rumah semalam.
rupanya kerana itu.
mungkin kerana hati emak yang memanggil.
kesian mak kena tanggung perasaan tu sorang2 :(

rm30 ribu. mana nak cari.

manusia makin kejam.
sangat kejam.

Monday, October 8, 2012

the feeling.

the feeling.
you know the feeling.
when something is missing.
not wrong.
but just,
it weren't there.
it's suppose to be there.
it just weren't.
is something might happen.
or not.

i'll just pray it is not.
everything will be okay.

Wednesday, October 3, 2012

Sunday, September 30, 2012

dear my fellow friends. don't be sad cause we are doing it right. teehee

you dont know how much i was in dilemma when i first got to know what would my degree be.

but now, this may be soften me.  :D

Saturday, September 29, 2012


So easy to forget our love,
The little things we do,
Like calling for no reason
Just to say the words
"Baby I love you,"

I know lately, I've been busy

But a second doesn't go by
Without you crossing my mind
It's been so long since we had time
Let's take a day & make everything right

Just take my hand, fall in love with me again
Let's runaway to the place
Where love first found us
Lets runaway for the day
Don't need anyone around us

When everything in love gets so complicated,
It only takes a day to change it.
What I have to say can't wait
All I need is a day

So let's runaway...
Let's runaway, just for the day
Runaway, runaway

Girl, you've been so patient
Spending nights alone & not complaining
But I'll make it up to you,

And I promise today I won't keep you waiting
Please give me this one chance
To remind you of everything we have
I won't give up I'm too much in love
And I want you to know that

Just take my hand, fall in love with me again
Let's runaway to the place
Where love first found us
Let's runaway for the day,
Don't need anyone around us

When everything in love gets so complicated
It only takes a day to change it
What I have to say can't wait
All I need is a day

So let's runaway for the day
And I'll give everything in this moment
And I promise to make everyday just like the day
Let's runaway to the place
Here love first found us

Let's runaway for the day
Don't need anyone around us
When everything in love gets so complicated
It only takes a day to change it
What I have to say can't wait
All I need is a day.
So let's runaway..

Wednesday, September 26, 2012

sepetang di makmal grafik dan animasi.

kerana gap rehat  satu jam adalah terlalu mainstream utk kami.

yang penting mata seksi macam tapir. tapi kenapa mira sebalah mata sahaja? kenapa mira kenapa?

kening nauzubillah. 

kahkahkahkahkahkah. chipmunk hijabnista. 

sabar kin, sabar.

duckface ikin memang legend.

emi sungguh ayu.

yeah.yeah. kami redha.

macam heliza helmi memasing (-_-')

ong ! ong ! ong !

nad sungguh legend.


emi main tipu ! -_-'

well, we had some fun ! 


Hello Blog !*excessive waving* It's been a while I am writing here.  2020 is the year I got pregnant. I was really happy but then the pr...