Tuesday, February 8, 2011


malam tadi aku tidur lewat. again.
Aigoo..sgt suweet ouh. tak tahan tak nak tgk.

aku teringat. lately everything had fallen into its place again. well, not everything.
again, aku baru teringat. aku lupa lagi. untuk bersyukur.

i said to myself, you had endure so much things before. you had tried to solve things before. until you forget how to give true smile. until you forget what is calm.
but, tonight, syukur padaNya.
sbb kau mampu lagi tersenyum untuk tidur.
since you are rarely cherished your gift, syukur dengan ikhlas tiap kali kau teringat.


Emi said...

bersajak ea?HAHA..ak x paham.lol

MaT_MaTuN said...

secret garden...!!!bleh kne kncing mnis tu...hahaha..

Yana Rahim said...

emi: bukan sajak la. ayat bese je tuh. haha

mat: cess, y penting hero tu aku punye.,grrr


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