Monday, January 28, 2013

apple :)

so, here i am.
i'm in second week of 3p now.
the first week is only about praktikal.
second week, here it comes.
the coding.
anyway, we need to answer exams every morning to ensure us to get 1000/1000 marks.
me? naaaaaaaaaah

managed to get 979/1000 only. itupun tengok2 notes jugak. :3
itupun instructor bising jugakk T.T kenapa tak dapat 1000/1000.

harini kan cuti thaipusam. but my class ain't got one.
then, instructor dapat call, we can leave early today. yeaayy ! but still petang. 3.30. -,-

lengang taw, lengang. kelas mysql ngan comptia je ade klas harini. lecturer pun takde.
makcik cleaner pun tarak.
wa sunyi.
so wa tarak mood nk study and dengar ape instructor ckp kat depan.
by the last ten minutes of class, wa da givap.

menghasilkan ini.

wa pun tataw kenapa lukis epal.
satu tu epal gemuk. satu lagi epal kurus.
mungkin epal kiri tu satu impian. epal kanan satu realiti. wuwuwuwu T.T

at least epal kanan tersenyum.

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