Saturday, November 23, 2019

Drama pagi

Husband merajuk harini sebab tak mesej dia sebelum gerak pergi office.

Honestly he is the most sensitive man I've ever fall in love with. But because his sensitivity, he handle me like a pro. haha

I was known as one of the most stubborn human being , even my mom can'd deny that.
But he's the only guy that are really patience with me, melayan kerenah bini dia yang macam biskut. Kejap okay , kejap gelak kejap emo. Lepas tu senyap je, tapi bila laki sendiri senyap aku plak risau asyik tanya, 'abang okay tak ni?' I love you abg.

Alhamdulillah , setakat ni life hidup berdua for me sgt okay. Tak tahu lah nanti bila dah ada anak.
Kekadang ada jugak rasa mcm what's my problem why I'm not pregnant yet. Tapi husband selalu cakap, belum rezekinya nanti. InsyaAllah Allah akan bagi pada masa yang terbaik. Cuba fikir skrg ni baru nak selesa dgn baru beli rumah and nanti kereta..bagi masa utk kita kumpul duit dulu.

True. Allah knows best. Just like my career and love life, I can feel He will give me what I need the most on the current moment, not what I want.


Hello Blog !*excessive waving* It's been a while I am writing here.  2020 is the year I got pregnant. I was really happy but then the pr...