Saturday, November 23, 2019

Drama pagi

Husband merajuk harini sebab tak mesej dia sebelum gerak pergi office.

Honestly he is the most sensitive man I've ever fall in love with. But because his sensitivity, he handle me like a pro. haha

I was known as one of the most stubborn human being , even my mom can'd deny that.
But he's the only guy that are really patience with me, melayan kerenah bini dia yang macam biskut. Kejap okay , kejap gelak kejap emo. Lepas tu senyap je, tapi bila laki sendiri senyap aku plak risau asyik tanya, 'abang okay tak ni?' I love you abg.

Alhamdulillah , setakat ni life hidup berdua for me sgt okay. Tak tahu lah nanti bila dah ada anak.
Kekadang ada jugak rasa mcm what's my problem why I'm not pregnant yet. Tapi husband selalu cakap, belum rezekinya nanti. InsyaAllah Allah akan bagi pada masa yang terbaik. Cuba fikir skrg ni baru nak selesa dgn baru beli rumah and nanti kereta..bagi masa utk kita kumpul duit dulu.

True. Allah knows best. Just like my career and love life, I can feel He will give me what I need the most on the current moment, not what I want.

Wednesday, March 6, 2019

Our first house :)

I dreamt of it since I have been working in KL. The fact that I took LRT everyday to work I saw a lot of advertisement for new development.

It makes me dream more frequent and deeply.
2017, I heard of Rumawip and I decided to buy one. But my salary at that time still not gonna make it for the housing loan.

I studied the location for all the Rumawip houses that being released.. I even create my own map like below to weight which one the the most optimum location for a living.

I opted for Vista Wirajaya but then it's already sold out. My second option was Skyawani3 and after researching for some time, turns out you will need at least 15k cash to place a depo and booking.

Then I backed out know I don't have that much of money and I am still saving for my wedding.
I told my husband I gave up we should just focus on our wedding.

Fast forward end of 2018, 3 months after our wedding I am still seeing ads for skyawani3 and now they just ask for RM1K booking fee. :D

After a long discussion with my husband he agreed for us to try it first. We put our booking fee and alhamdulillah I was able to grab a housing loan successfully.

This time we almost gave up too due to the stress of looking for the best loan. We opt for full loan since we do not have 10%dp to pay.

We applied maybank but my mark is on the bench, I had like 0.05 % difference from the safe spot to get it. They asked me to clear my credit card loan first and I asked them to wait for like a week so I can clear it. But no, I decided to try Bsn and alhamdulillah I passed their mark. You see, every bank has different ways and mark to count your credit score. So we choose Bsn and after couple of weeks we sign our SnP and lawyer agreement.

Allah really do have a way to give what you want. Sometimes when you want it the most, Allah knows it's not the right time.
You just have to be patience and knows Allah maha mendengar :')

Monday, March 4, 2019

Delayed thoughts

Hello people of Earth.

I have been delaying my writings in here due to a lot of things.
Apparently , once you got married you will have less of me time. I am not kidding. Even when we don't have kids yet sometimes I really just feels like I want my own space and my own time. It's a bless that I have different off days from my husband; Monday is only for me. :) Of course I love my husband and I love when he's around. But again, I just need a moment to be alone. To be in my enclosed space and do my own thinking of things such like berangan ntah apa2, then main fon then tidur. Lol. I know it sound so much like living a Miss, not like a Mrs but trust me you will need it.

In my mind, I need to maximize my me time now because if I am not going to do it, I will regret it once I have kids.
My husband know about my thought ; although he seems hesitant to accept my opinion he learns to negotiate with it. I can have my time as long as I give him the notices. haha. It's okay we can work on that. After all we need to learn being a team every day.

It makes me wondering , was I really ready to get married before or if I did not think about it deeply? It's not I don't like it. I love my marriage life, but to adjust your life with another person that will be there all the time is gonna take some time, I guess. But hey, it has just been like 6 months. There will be more to come and more to grasp.

Happiness is not when you have the things you want, happiness is when you know what you have is enough to makes you and your love ones happy. Because being there for each other is the things you want the most.


Hello Blog !*excessive waving* It's been a while I am writing here.  2020 is the year I got pregnant. I was really happy but then the pr...