Monday, December 20, 2010

segalanya yang perlu.

Aku tak tahu nak mulakan ayat macam mana.

Recently i got a chance to isolate myself for one weeks only with HIM. Ok.honestly,not all the time. Agak susah nk fokuskan diri doing the same thing for 24/7. But it is good.  Really good.

Next year i’ll start to introduce myself as 20 y/o girl. Tade da belas-belasan. Isk. Rase macam laju sgt masa berlalu kan. Growing up looking the people around you also doing the same thing – it is quite fast you know.  But technically and genetically i’m still 19 kan?kan?kan? *angguk2

 Leet’s take the nearest one,my family, sume adik2 aku da mule membesar,. Next year masing2 form 5,form 4, standard 4 and the last one standard 2.
Each one of them start to have their own personality. Do not have much to say.  Lambat laun masing2 akan jumpa jalan masing2. Cara masing2. Hidup masing2. So,aku pon tak marah n tak campur sgt ape keputusan diorg.but if ade y kene tu,aku masuk campur jugak.

Since next month da start new year rasenye masing2 da mule start ada azam baru. Especially para student ye. Yela memandangkan masing2 memain je time study mase first sem-okeh.itu aku.- so banyak la azam yang terkumpul ye,. Nak bagitaw kat sini ke? Malu ah. T org taw. Tapi nak bagitew jugak. Tapi.taknak lah. Ngeh3489x.

Ah.tspi tangan gatal nak tulis nih.

Wishlist 2011.
Hp baru.
Cara study baru.
Kurang malas. Tipu la dapat buang seluruh malas.
Kurang tidur.yes. i’m a heavy sleeper.
Jangan la jadi pelupa sgt. Macam2 barang hilang sejak due menjak nih.
Solat.hanya pada DIA kita meminta.
Banyak lagilah. Tapi takut tak tertunai.
*satu2 yana.
Since those isolation thing aku rase byk bene yang aku da pk. Banyak bende. Plus, memikirkan next year aku da 20 rasenye pemikiran ni perlu dan sangat perlu meningkat matang. Banyak bende aku nak ubah. Banyak sgt bende.
Oh yes. Aku da tgk Narnia n rapunzel. Dua2 sgt menarik n aweesoomeee. 

Bagi aku thise mimik muke y byk menyumbang gelak gaban penonton.  Yeah. Dari air muka kita taw mcm mana emosi seseorang kan. Since,cartoon pon da bole buat mcm tu, it’s kinda coolio.

Narnia pon bez jugak.sgt bez.sbb aku mmg minat chronicles nih. Hehe.,
But citer nih byk pros and cons.
Antaranya, ending die bg aku agak sedih sebab lucy ngan Edmund tak bole dtg Narnia da.masing2 da membesar. Since only children can come to Narnia so that’s the story flow. But,their cousin,Eustace bole datang lagi. Kalau tak silap aku mmg ada cerite Eustace n Narnia je.

Mule2 aku taw citer i thought citer ni akan stick Narnia n 2 kings n 2 queens.
But rupe rupenye it’s only n only about Narnia.
And those Aslan thing was quite syirik bg aku. Yela. Macam Aslan tu je tempat mintak pertolongan segala bagai plak.
Not good.not good.
Neway,this story still best. (:

ye,aku taw cite ni da lame kua kan? skrg heboh cite tron tuh. alah. t kat disney channel kua jugak.hiohio.

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Hello Blog !*excessive waving* It's been a while I am writing here.  2020 is the year I got pregnant. I was really happy but then the pr...