Wednesday, February 9, 2011


why eh?
aku tak minat langsung ber blog dlu.
tak de praivesi ouh.
but then, aku tgk,
mcm seronok. then, cool., :)

aku ber blog bukan sebab orang lain ade blog. *ok,fine.tipuu.ade la sket=,='
main reason sebab aku nk diri aku taw ape yang aku da tempuh sebelum ni.
 mcm mana aku buat tu, macam mana aku buat ni.
how can bende tu jadi mcm ni dlm life aku, how can jadi mcm tu pulak.
sebab aku ni,

agak pelupa.=,='..

so i had jotted down my life at least.
i know i had that happiness once and again.
i know i had that hard moment days, maybe years ago.
and i know one day i'm the one who will scroll down the mouse eagerly to read it again and again.

aku tak kisah orang bace ke tak,
followers ramai ke x,
tapi aku tetap happy someone still spending their time reading mine.
coz i love reading themss too:)))
sometimes as silent readers.
sometimes not.

blogging is a new way to evaluate yourself u'know.
and also to calm you. sometimes.
so, be cool, be good, coz i know you would. :)

need to change. my works doesn't flow well with my age.

Allah knows well. :)
then,bout feelings.T_T



ok.ok. i know.,.,tsk.T_T
oh.aku suka lelaki gagah,kacak, bergaya, macho macam gambar bawah ni. hot.grrrrrrrrrrrr


Unknown said...

itu lion deyhh~~bukan lelaki.....pandai kau berkias...

Yana Rahim said...

well.,:)tapi lion itu sungguh gagah kan., hehe

NisaMardhiah said...

lion a.k.a llki???
metafora btol kau ni yana..;p


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