Friday, March 11, 2011

The Malay Chronicles: Merong Mahawangsa

semalam 10 march 2011 aku pegi tgk cte merong mahawangsa nih.


tak rugi sploh hengget aku.
mmg aku nk g tgk lagi t.
 or maybe tggu org belanje.
anyone? hehe

this story had a lot of climax. and for me, that is good.
it makes us wondering what had happen actually.
then, the romance was very gentle.
the prince looks younger but still cute. haha
merong sgt klaka howwkeyyh. aku paling igt ayat dialog ni, "oh,that's maybe my uncle, MERONG MAHASUASA".
kahkahkah. satu wayang gelak time neh.
bagi aku jalan cerita y sgt menarik.
ayat klasik dlm movie ni tak nmpak kekok.

and aku pasti ade byk dialog yang boleh jd trademark,tagline and ikutan.
ayat ape?
korang kene tgk dulu~~~~ngehngehngeh

blood is everywhere~~~

ending die aku tak puas.
why merong?
why???~~~~ (T_T)

then, aku dengar cte wayang kat kl diorg BANGUN AND GAVE A LOUD APPLAUSE TO THIS MOVIE.
do you feel the goosebumps? =,=
aku sendirik rase nk uat cmtu,tp, tp, tp. tade org nk uat..sobs.

i give you 9.9/ 10, merong!!
*wink wink

enjoy the poster :)

mule2 cite watak die y kua dulu. da la byk ckp.
bagila poster die dulu.

pengiring marcus.

die ni pon ade sengal2 gak mcm merong.
tp merong lg sengal ah.
cute kan?yawww

meng li aaaa~~~~ :)
she's known as beautiful and intelligent princess.
no wonder the prince still fall in love with her :)

pak kesum macho~~
aku tataw nape first time aku tgk die ni aku tergelak.,=,='
da tade ghupe dato' rahim razali da.,(~~,)

pacik taji jahat.

she looks beautiful in this movie.

eh mane poster kemawas tu ha?

merong mahawangsa:)
oh. tu la kemawas botak jahat tuh.

then,kekurangan, nampak tp tak byk. as a country y baru nk meningkat naik dlm bidang perfileman tok movie mcm nie, aku rase still perlu diberi pujian. :)

p/s: poster credits to page merong mahawangsa at facebook

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