Sunday, May 10, 2015

Kesedaran Diri

Aku ada pandangan yang sangat skeptikal terhadap barang-barang penjagaan kulit, muka dan badan.


Sebab masa aku umur 15 tahun, lepas aku join/aktif kawad kaki kadet bomba, after je habis season pertandingan semua, i had an enormous acne problem.

Even mak aku bawa pergi jumpa doktor pakar kulit. dan setiap minggu facial at AG2000 saloon.
Tahu harga AG2000 mcm mana? Sila Google. haha

I don't know why but my skin at that moment was really2 sensitive.
I can only use Sebamed. Itu pun kulit jadi kering and kena pakai losyen jugak.

Until I was in nmatriks, mcm dah reda sikit, but still, mmg akan sentiasa ada acne.

I was really, I don't know, sampai tahap, lantaklah-kulit-nak-jadi-apa-malas-dah-nak-pakai-apa-apa-lagi.

Kat uni pun i just used Safi. But still effect sekejap je.

Because I was really2 scared of using chemical substances that was in all the skincare products.

Early this year i bought Bodyshop skincare product.
It was good. I mean really good.
But it's lacking something else.
I don't know what but although  my skin feels good, the protection it gave was not, what should i call it. -sufficient. Ye, it was not sufficient. I need more.

I need more because I realized my skin would not be like i was four or five years ago. My skin have changed.
I'm already 24.

*amaiigadd i'm 24 oredi this year **massive panick attack** *

So yeah. I'm in the middle on researching, analyzing and doing some stuff to figure out how to overcome this.

ahhhhhh. 24.

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