Sunday, May 1, 2011


in my mind right now,
i'm thinking of my pointer.
then, i still have 4 papers more.
which is discrete n data that will or totally would or not screwing my pointer.
more, the person that i will let them down if my pointer down.
after that, about his pointer.
then, my pointer again.
it's all about pointer.
just right there, if i was thinking about our pointer,means i will recall all about you.
it's a bad thing u know, coz that will make i miss you.
but, not long after that,
i still thinking about my pointer.
and about the people i loves if i let them down with my pointer.
still, this mind, full of pointer.
does this life is all about 4 flat?
well, no.
but we need it.for life. to live.

so, it's all about pointer now.


"pegila study. kau ade tulis blog lagi apehal"

ya Allah, permudahkan segalaNya. berikan kekuatan untuk kurangkan malas. :')

ada rasa lagi tertekan tak lepas aku ulang perkataan pointer 15 kali. harap tak :D


Emi said...

jgn pk sgt.yg pntg kita usaha yg terbaik selagi kita mampu...:)

nadeyra said...

Otak aku positive, aku tak pikir sal pointer 4flat, aku pikir pasal pointer DSA.
Muahaha :D

Yana Rahim said...

emi: tak pk sgt. tp tpk je. cmne tu? haha

nad: bukan takat kau. aku pon same. haha

Yana Rahim said...

emi: tak pk sgt. tp tpk je. cmne tu? haha

nad: bukan takat kau. aku pon same. haha


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