Monday, January 21, 2013


i am back to batu pahat.
ada 3P. 3P stands for Program Pentaulihan Professional. Industry based certified programme.
i choose for
MCTS:SQL - Microsoft Certified Technology Specialist: SQL Server 2008 (Database Development) 

*copypaste je panjang sgt nak taip haha

pagi tadi tunggu kat kulai, tumpang suhaira.
sekarang ada kat dalam bilik dia. esok baru duduk taman u sebab dapat kunci tadi and barang semua kat rumah sewa su.
su amek network A+ so we are in different class.
3P is something my facs usahakan for the student, to increase the job employability for us.
and it's ditanggung free oleh government.

for the first day of courses for 3P i am quite exited but sleepy. -,-
dapat buku. tebal gila.
but then, dia ckp "we wont need the book for our class but it would be useful for you in your job later. because that book is for high technical lesson not for you. you guys are only the beginner" *drop jaw

so basically we all would only hafal qustion for exams certificate. and lesson in class are different from the exams.

krikk  kriikk kriikk *bunyik cengkerik

i know, i know, it sounds silly right? apa guna blajar dalam kelas but soalan exams is not even a percent similar.

the explanation.

my instructor, cik yunita (or yusnita maybe) said, memang berlainan sebab courses ini sepatutnya adalah sangat lama about six months but they pendekkan jadi untuk 14 days. and i was like, whaaat? *rolled eyes

"kamu akan belajar dalam kelas, but that is for skills, skills y akan di implementkan bila kamu kerja nanti bila kamu dapat peluang nanti. untuk dapat certificate, kamu kena jawab exam kan? tapi exam tu adalah dari microsoft srndiri. it is from USA. so what we will do, you all will pass the exams, get the certificate and then you will have the chance nak further your knowledge related to this. it's like, you need to get the cert first in order to know well about mysql. after da dapat cert peluang kamu akan lagi besar untuk bekerja dalam bidang database, time kamu bekerja tu la kamu baru berusaha lebih utk bidang ni. and masa tu la buku tebal 3 kilo tu kamu bole refer. lagipun it's free. makanan pun free. tempat tinggal pun free. tinggal datang kelas and lulus for the cert"

aku rasa macam tu la kot die ckp. pasal cert tu , y tu la apa y aku paham . orang lain tak tawla. haha.
esok baru blaja betul2. tadi just sesi suai kenal je. log in hyper-v and log out.

what i know from my instructor, our courses actually cost RM4800 per person. and if you fail the exams nak repeat, you need to pay RM350. yang mahal tu sebab instructor. makin banyak sijil instructor makin tinggi la dia dibayar. and we we re like, WoWWwW !!

i am new listening to these whole new perspective about this. IT world-part time instructor- lot cert means higher gaji- boleh demands lebih- bla bla bla bla bla bla
and again, rasa jakun.

saya sudah berangan mahu jadi instructor 3P and get RM1800 per day. aminn.

well, berangan tak salah kan? :P

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